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Bridget Jaune's diary

5 octobre 2007

Ticket to ride

Ticket to ride
The one-way ticket to Beijing was booked today. The departure is for December 1 at noon. But before the big day, nothing more exciting than the idea of future long strollings to get the visas... the administrative waltz may start... même pas peur! Update:...
2 octobre 2007

Itinéraire d'une enfant gatée

Itinéraire d'une enfant gatée
This is roughly the route I am planning to follow... No doubt that it is never going to be completed. Anyway, at least you get an idea: - - -( ) - ( ) - - - - ( ) - - ( - ) Et si vous êtes comme moi, des schtroumpfs en géographie et en drapeaux, la traduction:...
1 octobre 2007

Live your dream, don't dream your life (the recurrent Backpacker's quote)

How ironic life is... I had created this blog a few months ago, in preparation of my trip on the Transsiberian/Transmongolian, trip envisaged of course with the sole purpose of getting plastered on the Baikal Lake sur fond de Balalaïka. Sadly enough,...
3 mars 2007

"Voyager est une passion, comme l'ambition

"Voyager est une passion, comme l'ambition
"Voyager est une passion, comme l'ambition ou l'amour" [L.E. Landon]
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