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Bridget Jaune's diary
17 février 2008

Mirror, mirror

Mirror, mirror
13 février 2008


After another crazy journey (for the record, 12 hours on a jeep passing a moutain with no heating on the car and windows wide open followed straight after by 6 hours on a bus confined with 7 other guys in the driver's cabin , while Fred was comfortabely...
13 février 2008

100 % Cachemire

100 % Cachemire
4 days in Kashmir, for a unique sightseeing on the Dal Lake, surrounded by the Himalayan chain (well, I think... anyway, big moutains, you know what I mean... with a hell lot of snow...). A little bit of Pakistan as I would imagine it... yet, it is not...
9 février 2008

Jiminee Cricket

Jiminee Cricket
8 février 2008


Lorsque Charles, le quebecois, rejoint par ses amis a Bangkok, s est vu offrir une terrine de col-vert et un camembert, j avoue avoir ete legerement jalouse, mais en bonne bouddhiste, je n en ai rien laisse transparaitre... mais c etait oublier le genre...
7 février 2008

Happy new year!

Happy new year!
Euuuh, nope, I haven't lost my mind since in India... but today is the Chinese New Year!!!! We are leaving the year of the Pig (well, hopefully all the pigs...) for the year of the Rat (Myanmar was a precursor...). Bonne annee donc a tous! Chuc mung nam...
6 février 2008

Mise en biere

Kingfisher... Does it ring a bell to you? Well, because to me, it is a beer brand (don't fool a Belgian.. ;) Right. Then, it came as a surprise that I had to fly from Kolkata to Delhi with a company named Kingfisher Airlines! Doors were left wide open...
4 février 2008

Noeud gordien

Is there any rational explanation for this: I'd spent 5 weeks in Myanmar, hadstreet food twice a day, got food all the time from locals on the trains/bus/pick-up, ate new unidentified stuff every 3 days, brushed my teeth with water coming from the river,...
3 février 2008

Family Pics - Burma 2008

Family Pics - Burma 2008
Last post on Myanmar... and I will open the family album just one last time before heading to India [snif]. (Vasilisa-Keith-Burghard-Martin-Jerome-Alexandre-Charles-Yen (no picture yet) - Harri) Chaud Patate: - People in Burma, the most friendly and warm...
3 février 2008


lShity days... I am currently in Bangkok, probably the place that I dislike the most in the world (or is it Luxembourg?), Got a bit of a blues after having left Myanmar... Bangkok is usually where your trip ends, so got that down feeling again when I...
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